Visit JCC

Visit our campuses

Your education is only the beginning of the value of studying at Jamestown Community College. As you get involved with classes, clubs, and athletics, you'll learn independence and life skills that will support you in your career and beyond. The friendships and connections you’ll make with people from all over New York and the world will last a lifetime.

Connect with JCC through campus tours, virtual visits, events, and more. We host opportunities throughout the year where you can meet with students, faculty, and staff.

Why visit JCC?

"You get to feel a closer connection with faculty. I was able to connect with my faculty for writers of letters of recommendation and receive their advice in the future. You also have the benefit of experiencing on-campus events."

Jamestown Campus Virtual Tour
Cattaraugus County Campus Virtual Tour
Day in the life: attend class

JCC’s personalized Essentials curriculum makes sure that each course you take supports your major and education goals.

Credit course schedules »

Essentials curriculum »

JCC instructor teaches a full class in the art and design studio on JCC's Jamestown Campus
Day in the life: study with friends

You can access library services, tutoring, accessibility support, study rooms, and more in the Learning Commons.

Learning Commons »

two students study at a table in the Hultquist Library in JCC's Learning Commons